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    Meeting Kylie

    If ever a woman was adopted by the British public it's 'our' Kylie.  I mean, she has fantastic determination and spirit, and considering what she's been through with her cancer scare and the chemotherapy treatment, her present work-rate is amazing.
    I remember 'sort of' meeting her in the early 90's. I was in Soho in central London and I decided to have a coffee in a small Italian cafe along Wardour Street.  The cafe was the sort that also does 'take-away' sandwiches and after a while I looked up from my newspaper and saw a fantastic pair of legs standing by the counter. It was Kylie, who had opted to "get the Sarnies" and had hopped out of a car which was parked outside.
    I remember thinking how beautiful and sexy she was.  Kylie was wearing a pinstripe 'hotpant' suit - very tailored, very WOW!
    I could see the light of recognition beginning to shine in our Italian patron's eyes.  Whether it was recognition or lust I'm not sure, but he was joined in double-quick time by a very dominant patroness.  In any event, they all seemed to get along famously until two little figures appeared in the doorway leading into our Italian host's living quarters.
    Kylie was great - "Come here" she said and the little boy and girl shyly came forward.  At this point 'our Kylie' came and sat by me to sign her autograph for them.  "Does this happen all the time?" I said. "Yes, I love it." our heroine replied.
    Kylie talked with the children for five minutes or so and during that time, I considered telling her that I worked in the theatre - but I decided against it.
    It would have gotten all "professional" and ghastly.
    My friend 'Moth' used to work on Top of the Pops and remembers her working harder than any of the other groups or singers in the pre-show rehearsals.
    Thanks Kylie for the Fun the Glamour and the Spirit. (Even if the duet with 'Macca' is sung in the key of Yale)
    soulMerlin Logo
    ps: A tip....If you double click on the YouTube 'screen', it will take you through to YouTube, where you can click again and see the vid' (and the others below) in full-screen.
    Now why not go to the Almanack - the latest entry "Directing Jesus and Mary" is up now.  It's about when I helped direct "Jesus Christ Superstar"
    soulMerlin's Almanack
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    SOUL AFLAME said... 30 March 2008 at 06:59

    There's something about that Kylie woman!

    Even though I think she has singing skills indicative of most modern day divas (ie it's all done with electronic gagetry in the studio), and she's only ever done a couple of decent songs...

    She is a great entertainer, always seems bubbly and I totally admire her for her battles with health issues.

    She's a sassy lassy in my books.

    Lilly said... 6 April 2008 at 03:05

    As an Aussie I love Kylie. Sure there have been plenty of better singers but she is a real entertainer. One who has stood the test of time and who still seems to have retained a wonderful down to earth spirit. Nice post indeed. Hard to think our Kylie will be 40 soon!!

    Unknown said... 6 April 2008 at 19:49

    Hi Lilly and Floog - thanks for your comments. I remember just how good and positive she was with the children. She was also much more beautiful than on screen - I've never seen anyone with bigger teeth! Each tooth seems to take up twice the space of an ordinary tooth.

    Anyway - thanks for your comments (the bloggers lifeblood)
    I'm very glad you enjoyed the post


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