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    • Littley the (Happy) Travelling Cat

      My initial travelling experience with Littley was less than encouraging. I needed to take him to the vet for his jabs and to have him micro chipped –   Liz kindly bought me a rigid plastic cage with a metal grill at one end, it seemed ideal as he was still a tiny little thing. (his growth spurt hadn’t started yet) I had never *owned* a cat before and so I did a lot of reading in preparation for his (hopefully) future car trips. I was a bit worried  that nearly every article I came upon, seemed to carry the warning that, unlike dogs who often enjoy car travel, most cats find it a frightening and upsetting experience… With regard to Littley the opposite eventually proved to be true, as he now really enjoys his car journeys – although I would not have believed it at the time. Littley never took to the cage, he seemed to dislike the bars and the air vents of his mobile prison. I also noticed that he was out-growing it rapidly. With the date of the vet appointment looming, I tried a few dummy-runs in the car…using Dreamies (his favourite treat) to lure him into the cage – but each time, the whole procedure became more and more traumatic for him (and for myself) 's Even the offered Dreamies seemed to be losing their persuasive power.  The eventual journey to the vet's was sadly traumatic, with rapid meows, wailing and whining down his nose - which continued during the first injection and micro-chipping. After the ordeal was over, there was no problem getting him back into the cage, as by then I was the owner of a terrified cat. As soon as I got him back in the house and released him from his dungeon, he climbed at high speed onto the top of the wardrobe and there he stayed, glaring down at me for the rest of the day.  He was somewhat calmer the next morning, but sort of distant and civil. There was no “Good Morning” head-butting and purring to greet me when I woke up…and sitting on my knee that evening was definitely off the agenda. Thankfully, as the days passed, I was gradually forgiven and his normal loving ways returned, but it took nearly a week before the morning cuddles, games, hunting and fun throughout the day returned…but when they did, I'd smile at the the sound of the cat-flap opening, followed by the pitter-patter of paws up the stairs…and finally a warm little lump, jumping up and snuggling down beside my feet at the bottom of the bed. I did try to get him to like the cage during that time, by leaving it with the front grill open and placing his meals inside - no chance! The only way to end the immediate hunger-strike that ensued was to relent and quickly put his dishes out in the open as usual. I also tried top-loading him, with the cage on it’s end. This resulted in hissing, wriggling and threatened biting - Littley was shouting “NO” in the only way he could and woe betide me and my friendship with the little soldier, if I ignored it. It was time to think like a cat… Now, other cats might be different and prefer a small dark space to feel safe in, but I reckoned that Littley, with his tough street-cat background and his lean springy body, needed space to stand on his hind legs and move around…and with his outgoing personality…lots of visibility to see exactly what was going on around him. I searched the internet and eventually found a extra-large cat show-cage, made by ‘Sturdi Products’ a US firm. At almost £100, it was more than I had anticipated, but when it arrived, I knew at once that I had made the right decision. I did a test-run through Coventry, with an excited cat, standing on his hind-legs, watching everything happening around him. People on the street did double-takes when they saw him. I stopped to get some diesel, with Littley jumping around his cage in an attempt to look out of all the windows at the same time - it was his first visit to a filling station forecourt and he just had to see everything at once . A driver watching Littley’s antics with a mixture of amazement and amusement,  remarked that I was so lucky to have a cat like that and how his own cat was always terrified and wailed all the time, when he travelled in the car. I felt very smug… The second visit to the Vet’s was a breeze (apart from the injections)…A couple of nervous meows when the car started moving, followed by total interest in the traffic around him and the people on the street. He also seemed to really like going fast! The next step was to prepare things for his first really big journey – 120 miles each way, to see Liz for a week’s holiday.  I made a check-list 1. Best time to travel – Littley loaded into car by mid-day. He gets sleepy around that time, which I thought would be good for sustained travel and would also mean that the whole jouney would avoid the rush-hour periods. 2. Lots of kitchen towel – In case of poo’s or similar ‘accidents’ 3. Old towel in carrier with a spare one in case of more ‘accidents’ 4. Plastic bags to dispose of old towels etc if ‘accidents’ did happen! (It has only happened once so far, after six months of travel.) 5. Bottle of water and plastic bowl in case of traffic jams or breakdowns  6. A packet of ‘Dreamies’ 7. Small quantity of hard food 8. Small hamper with enough wet and dry food for the whole week’s stay. I also made a mental note to... 9.  Try to choose a day with mild weather – no hot sun, or predicted storms. Try to avoid rush-hour times – mixing scorching weather with a traffic jam could be life threatening.  10 Check that my Travel insurance and relay cover with one of the motoring organizations (AA, RAC, GreenFlag  etc) was up to date. 11. Most Important ~ Use the same forethought and planning as if transporting a baby.  ~ The journey went really well and Littley, after watching the motorway traffic (especially the lorries!) for around half an hour, settled down and slept until we arrived.  He never cries (meows down his nose) or wails, except when he leaves Liz’s house after a holiday visit  –  he’s very fond of her! Littley really loves to travel – He’s a Happy  Travelling Cat! ~ If you’re interested in travelling with your cat  – go visit my cat product page, you’ll find the button on the top menu bar above this post. However, it's worth bearing in mind that your cat may be quite the opposite to Littley and prefer a small-dark space to hide in whilst on the move.                                                       Cats are like people - Each one is unique. 

    • Our Harvest

    • Hold My Hand...

    • Meeting Kylie

---------------------------------------------Theatre,Travel, hotels, Guest Houses, Cats, Cat Products, Home, Spirituality, Memories, Useful Products, Stories, Dreams, Death, Grief, Afterlife,---------------------------------------------

Got a Cat ~ Get a Catflap!

I had decided that if Littley was to stay – a catflap was a must.

So, armed with an electric drill and a jigsaw (believe me, if I can do this, Anyone can!) I marked up the square area needed with a fibre-tipped pen and drilled four holes, one in each corner, to take the jigsaw blade. I was amused to see that Littley had heard the drilling and was now sitting beside me with his tail neatly wrapped around his feet. The look of intense concentration on his face, showed no signs of fear at the din my inexact labours were causing.

The noise was even louder when I started the jigsaw…

….I was worried that the blade might break and fly off and hurt him – so I ran the saw before cutting into the door and gestured him to back off – I was amused to see that he did just that, and sat in safety at
the end of the kitchen whilst I toiled on…

The square (well almost a square……sort of) was cut remarkably quickly and I rationalised that the imperfections and inexactness of my ‘square’ would be covered by the frame of the cat-flap…and they were – Just.
Impatience has it’s own penalty.
As soon as the drill stopped, Littley approached and sat down beside me. I had intentionally left the slightest cut short, so that I could punch the centre square of wood, out and onto the garden path – Littely was fascinated by the square hole – so I made a cup of  tea and watched the ‘into the kitchen – out of the kitchen’ game develop.

                                   Cats are fun!

I was more careful when fitting the flap itself and made sure that the screws and screw-holes lined up perfectly whilst I was drilling.  In all, I tried two flaps, before my final ‘Sureflap’ microchip  one.

The first one I fitted, was a simple ‘in out both ways’ flap, that would give Littley free access to come and go as he pleased – However I soon realised that it would also give the entire cat-population of my neighbourhood the same rights of access! 

l  later used it on an inside door to the bedrooms, which at least cut down on the cold drafts of winter.

In an attempt to teach ‘The Little Prince’, I made the mistake of showing Littley how to operate the flap, by pushing it open with my hand – he then spent ages, trying to push it open with his paw!  I was explaining this to Liz, my ex-wife and she reckoned I should have strapped a tennis ball onto the top of my head and got down on all-fours to butt the door!!
The thing was, it was all great fun that weekend. I sensed that, most importantly, the little cat understood I was doing it for him and that it was to be his home as well as mine.
In case you’re wondering - I did get down on my hands and knees and butted the cat-flap – but not with a tennis ball strapped to my head! 

In all, it took around two days, before he got the hang of it, but once he did, there was no stopping his constant comings and goings.
If you’re of a certain age, you’ll probably remember a rock ‘n’ roll song called “Yakety yak (don't talk back)” by The Coasters,  and the line “Bring in the dog and put out the cat” Well, cat and dog life in my neighbourhood is still like that – 
Poor things (the animals that is).

I watch the local cats sheltering under cars in the rain and snow during the day, or howling and fighting at night, with no way of getting to safety and warmth themselves, unless a door is opened for them – which it usually isn’t.

Littley will go out late, for about 15mins and then pour himself back in through the flap– half an hour later he’s out again…then back in. Probably the longest he’s out is around an hour…then at about 4am he’ll jump on my bed for a cuddle until daybreak, when he’s either out again, or on top of a mattress base, scrutinising the world and the comings and goings outside the spare-room window.

(I wanted to be rid of that mattress, but ‘TLP’ would never forgive me)

In the afternoons he’s asleep, sometimes on his radiator bed, but most often in the archive receipt box he slept in the first night he came to stay...... 

……then at between 6pm and 7pm his ‘day’ re-commences with a stroll around the garden followed by repeated in’s and out’s throughout the evening - just as he wishes.
The next cat-flap was a magnetic one, which worked well, allowing only The Little Prince entry, whilst keeping the Bash Street Kids Cats out.  It was only the fact that I was away for several days at a time and the nagging worry that he might get the collar he needed to wear for the magnet, caught on something…or that someone would take the collar off and leave him locked out of the house for days, that made me look for another solution.

I talked to Camilla, one of the dancers in our show who had a cat named ‘Mungo Jerry’ and she reckoned a microchip cat-flap might be best – I’d never heard of one before, but as the weeks were passing and I was going to be away a lot, I thought it was time to register Littley and have him fitted with a microchip - not only for the cat flap, but for identification purposes should he get lost.

I also got him insured

It was the vet who did the microchip procedure who suggested the Sureflap version – It’s great, looks good and works perfectly after 18months constant use by ‘TLP’,  who exits and enters, over 50 times a day! (at the very least!).

I am not an ‘outdoor cat only’ advocate and if a cat has never lived outside, I guess an indoor life is much safer. Littley was an almost-feral stray and the the outside life is part of who he is.

Thanks to a microchip and a little door, he has the best of both.

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