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    The Aberdeen Ghost...

    Half way through last week, Chris Barton (Any Dream will Do TV series) - our "Benjamin" muttered something about a ghost at His Majesty's Theatre. A ghost that moves things around and hides them, if it doesn't like a particular show. (it bothers me that I call a ghost an "it")

    Well it was a very busy week with lots of rehearsals, so although I was interested, I just didn't get around to following it up.

    On Saturday the whole matter had gone to the back of my mind - until the matinee - when half-way through Caanan Days - and at almost exactly the same point in the song that 'P' had felt a hand holding his - I felt a hand resting gently on the right side of my head. The hand stayed for around fifteen seconds and then faded away.

    Read about~' ~ 'P's experience at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh.

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